Please join us for worship, if you can, on Christmas Eve for Lessons & Carols in the Church Sanctuary at 7:00 PM.

Our thanks to Victor A. Safay who donated and made for us the Advent wreath, organ wreath and Front Door wreaths!  Thank you Victor!

Our gratitude to Elder Louise Fabiaszak and everyone who so lovingly came out to volunteer at our "Living Nativity."  We appreciate your time, talents, effort & energy!

You bring the nativity to life for those around us!

Election of Elder and Deacon
Elected at last week's annual church meeting were the following persons: to the office of Deacon: Suzanne Carrion & Deborah Siciargo.  To the office of elder: Louise Fabiaszak & Rita Hollenga.  Ordination and Installation to take place on January 12, the Baptism of Jesus!

The 2003 Flower Calendar is posted on the back of the church front door.  Please sign for a date that is significant for you and your family!  Please plan on donating to our flower fund for a Sunday dedication in memory or in honor of a loved one.

The 2003 Offering Envelopes are different this year.  The envelope is designed to include weekly current expenses, benevolences, mission & Communion in one envelope.  Your packet is for 2 months (Jan. & Feb.)  The new designed box set will be available for March.  Please take them as you leave today from the narthex.  We pray you will use them faithfully to support the work of our beloved church.  Thank you!

Please bring a Christmas memory to share at next week's service.

We wish you a safe & sacred, happy & holy celebration of Christmas!

Peace on Earth

Coming January 2003...
The Friends of Historic New Utrecht Website