Monday, December 24, 2007
Readings from Christmas Eve (Dec. 24/25) and the First Sunday after Christmas Day (Dec. 30), Year A
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Readings from the Fourth Sunday in Advent
Readings from the Fourth Sunday in Advent, Year A (Dec. 23)
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Annual gift to community: "A Living Nativity" on historic church grounds Dec. 22
Also at New Utrecht, on December 15, a "Peace Lamp," brought from Bethlehem via Austrian Airlines, will be available at the church for anyone who wishes to bring their own candle to be lit from the lamp to take back to their homes for Christmas. That evening, The North Shore Pops Concert Band, with Eric Albinder conducting, presents "Holiday with the Pops," a free community concert beginning at 7:30 p.m.
The concert will be held in the Parish House next to the main church building, closed since Dec. 2003 for a $2 million repair and restoration. The Brooklyn landmark, with its world-known stained-glass windows and pipe organ, was built in 1828.
The following week, at the time of the Living Nativity, the Peace Lamp also will be available for visitors to take light from the flame.
Saturday, Dec. 22: The Living Nativity, 3-6 PM
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Photos of Advent Dinner
The New Utrecht Reformed Church Parish House was filled with 30 guests at the feast of the Advent Congregational Dinner, which took place Saturday night. Lasagna, turkey and ham were among the main entrees at the dinner, followed by a dessert that included cookies and brownies, coffee and tea. Christmas Carols followed dessert. The dinner was preceded by many blessings from the dinner guests and a prayer by Rev. Terry Troia, New Utrecht's minister.

Photos by Rev. Terry Troia
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Thrift Sale Photo
Photo by Vincent La Marca
Clothes, jewelry, glassware, books and toys attracted many community residents to the New Utrecht Reformed Church in Bensonhurst at a thrift sale, which was held on Nov. 17, with proceeds going toward restoration of the landmark main building in the historic church complex at 18th Ave. and 84th St.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Readings from the Second Sunday in Advent
Readings from the Second Sunday in Advent, Year A (Dec. 9)